How to create responsive sitemap static page in blogger 2020

8 Min Read

As we all know,a Sitemap page is not available in Blogger. Since my blogging, blogger has not been offering any sitemap widget for its platform that’s why to provide complete structure of our blog content, we require this feature to add on our blog. I hope this will help you to create a page which show the better navigation of all the post for user experience.

Why do we need Sitemap on our blog

Sitemap will provide you, list of posts which created earlier that are grouped together all posts titles and page titles like index. So that visitor can understand and read the latest and previous in the sitemap page. So creating it very import for every blogger, without it, user can’t find past data. By providing this feature, blogger Blogspot page views will be increased. Now let us continue creating it.

Benefits of a Sitemap to users

The user benefits from sitemap because they can go and if they can’t find a page of your site through the main navigation they can actually, go and look at your sitemap and possibly find the information there. If you have a large site, using a sitemap can actually break down your site into smaller sections by categories or alphabetically, labels, authors, etc. So, creating a sitemap for your site is very beneficial for your users in helping them to find information on your site.

Step by step method for creating a static sitemap page in blogger:

1. Login to your Blogger account, then go to Pages and create a new page with title “Sitemap”.

2. Switch to HTML mode.

3. Here we have two styles for sitemap page. choose anyone and copy the code below.

Style 1

.post-body h4{text-transform: uppercase}
<script type='text/javascript'>

var postTitle = new Array();
var postUrl = new Array();
var postPublished = new Array();
var postDate = new Array();
var postLabels = new Array();
var postRecent = new Array();
var sortBy = “titleasc”;
var numberfeed = 0;

function bloggersitemap(a) {
function b() {
if (“entry” in a.feed) {
var d = a.feed.entry.length;
numberfeed = d;
ii = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < d; h++) {
var n = a.feed.entry[h];
var e = n.title.$t;
var m = n.published.$t.substring(0, 10);
var j;
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == “alternate”) {
j =[g].href;
var o = “”;
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == “enclosure”) {
o =[g].href;
var c = “”;
if (“category” in n) {
for (var g = 0; g < n.category.length; g++) {
c = n.category[g].term;
var f = c.lastIndexOf(“;”);
if (f != -1) {
c = c.substring(0, f)
postLabels[ii] = c;
postTitle[ii] = e;
postDate[ii] = m;
postUrl[ii] = j;
postPublished[ii] = o;
if (h < 10) {
postRecent[ii] = true
} else {
postRecent[ii] = false
ii = ii + 1
sortBy = “titledesc”;

function sortPosts(d) {
function c(e, g) {
var f = postTitle[e];
postTitle[e] = postTitle[g];
postTitle[g] = f;
var f = postDate[e];
postDate[e] = postDate[g];
postDate[g] = f;
var f = postUrl[e];
postUrl[e] = postUrl[g];
postUrl[g] = f;
var f = postLabels[e];
postLabels[e] = postLabels[g];
postLabels[g] = f;
var f = postPublished[e];
postPublished[e] = postPublished[g];
postPublished[g] = f;
var f = postRecent[e];
postRecent[e] = postRecent[g];
postRecent[g] = f
for (var b = 0; b < postTitle.length – 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < postTitle.length; a++) {
if (d == “titleasc”) {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == “titledesc”) {
if (postTitle[b] < postTitle[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == “dateoldest”) {
if (postDate[b] > postDate[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == “datenewest”) {
if (postDate[b] < postDate[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == “orderlabel”) {
if (postLabels[b] > postLabels[a]) {
c(b, a)

function sortlabel() {
sortBy = “orderlabel”;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) {
temp1 = postLabels[b];
firsti = a;
do {
a = a + 1
} while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {

function sortPosts2(d, c) {
function e(f, h) {
var g = postTitle[f];
postTitle[f] = postTitle[h];
postTitle[h] = g;
var g = postDate[f];
postDate[f] = postDate[h];
postDate[h] = g;
var g = postUrl[f];
postUrl[f] = postUrl[h];
postUrl[h] = g;
var g = postLabels[f];
postLabels[f] = postLabels[h];
postLabels[h] = g;
var g = postPublished[f];
postPublished[f] = postPublished[h];
postPublished[h] = g;
var g = postRecent[f];
postRecent[f] = postRecent[h];
postRecent[h] = g
for (var b = d; b < c – 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < c; a++) {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) {
e(b, a)

function displayToc() {
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) {
temp1 = postLabels[b];
document.write(‘<div class=”post-archive”><h4>’ + temp1 + ‘</h4><div class=”ct-columns”>’);
firsti = a;
do {
document.write(‘<a ” href=”‘ + postUrl[a] + ‘”>’ + postTitle[a] + “”);
if (postRecent[a] == true) {
document.write(‘ – <span>New!</span>’)
a = a + 1
} while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {


<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script>

Change “yourblogaddress” with the name of your blog address.

Style 2

/* CSS Sitemap */
.is-single #main-wrapper{width: 100%}
#sidebar-wrapper .sidebar{display: none}
#bp_toc{color:#000;margin:0 auto;max-height:686px;overflow:hidden;overflow-y:auto}span.toc-note{margin:0 auto 25px auto;text-align:center;line-height:normal;display:table;position:relative;overflow:hidden;font-size:14px;padding:10px 20px;background:#007bff;background-image:linear-gradient(50deg,#ff4169,#8b41f6);background-size:100%;color:#fff;border-radius:99em;font-weight:500;transition:all .3s}span.toc-note:hover{background-size:200%}.toc-header-col1{padding:10px;background-color:#f5f5f5;width:250px}.toc-header-col2{padding:10px;background-color:#f5f5f5;width:75px}.toc-header-col3{padding:10px;background-color:#fff;width:125px}#bp_toc td.toc-header-col1,#bp_toc td.toc-header-col2,#bp_toc td.toc-header-col3{border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.05);background:#fff}#bp_toc td.toc-header-col1{}#bp_toc td.toc-header-col2{}#bp_toc td.toc-header-col3{}.post td{background:transparent}#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col1,#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col2,#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col3{border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.05)}#bp_toc td a{background:transparent;color:#222;float:none;border-radius:0;padding:0;font-size:100%;display:initial;box-shadow:none}#bp_toc td a:hover{color:#0984e3}.toc-header-col1 a:link,.toc-header-col1 a:visited,.toc-header-col2 a:link,.toc-header-col2 a:visited,.toc-header-col3 a:link,.toc-header-col3 a:visited{font-size:13px;text-decoration:none;color:#aaa;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0.5px}.toc-header-col1 a:hover,.toc-header-col2 a:hover,.toc-header-col3 a:hover{text-decoration:none}.toc-entry-col1,.toc-entry-col2,.toc-entry-col3{padding:10px 5px;font-size:90%}.toc-entry-col1 a,.toc-entry-col2 a,.toc-entry-col3 a{color:#000}.toc-entry-col1 a:hover,.toc-entry-col2 a:hover,.toc-entry-col3 a:hover{color:#3498db}#bp_toc table{width:100%;margin:0 auto;counter-reset:rowNumber}.toc-entry-col1{counter-increment:rowNumber}#bp_toc table tr td.toc-entry-col1:first-child::before{content:counter(rowNumber);display:inline-block;min-width:38px;margin-right:.7em;background:#fc5c65;color:#fff;border-radius:99em;font-weight:500;text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:0;line-height:1.7}
#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col1{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;max-width:400px}
@media screen and (max-width:768px) {
#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col1{white-space:normal;overflow:visible;text-overflow:initial;max-width:100%}#bp_toc td.toc-header-col2,#bp_toc td.toc-header-col3,#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col2,#bp_toc td.toc-entry-col3,#bp_toc table tr td.toc-entry-col1:first-child::before{display:none}}
<div id="bp_toc">
Loading Sitemap. Please wait....</div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=9999&amp;callback=loadtoc" type="text/javascript"></script>

4. Paste it in the new page. Click on options and under reader comments ,select don’t allow and click Done.

5. Click publish.

Here you have successfully added an HTML sitemap page on your blog. Place your Sitemap page link, wherever you would like to show your main page. If you have any issues related to above tutorial, let me know in the comments.

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By admin Administrator
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.